In the beginning . . .
Against everyone's better judgment, we've decided to
re-model our kitchen. This blog will document the trials, tribulations, and
perhaps tears as we go through this painful process. Wish us
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Until There Was Nothing. . .Except a Groovy Floor
Sunday, August 22, 2010
And the Walls. . . Come Tumbling Down
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It Has Color
At long last, the mudroom has color on the walls, a floor, a light fixture (aka, space heater), molding (mostly finished), and cabinets in place waiting to be secured. The room is really taking shape as you can see from the pictures (plus a bonus picture of Beau and Angus fighting over the air conditioning vent). Bill put in a new door leading into the garage, so the room is officially part of the house rather than part of the garage. I'm already loving having a mudroom! Next, we'll put in a countertop. Right now, we're thinking we'll use some white tiles for the counter as opposed to a laminate. Bill will install shelves soon, and once we move the refrigerator into the mudroom, Bill will work on the bench--or not. We may wait on the bench and get to work destroying the kitchen. We anticipate the new appliances arriving the first week of September, and the cabinets are due during the last week of August. Wait--what's the date today?! Yikes! We better get moving, huh?
Of course, it wouldn't be life with the Grays without a few perils and crises along the way. Beau, bless his little heart, had a close encounter with a bee on Thursday. I guess we should have stuck with the name Ferdinand after all. Apparently the bee attacked Beau's mouth because by about noon, his face started swelling up like Brando in the Godfather--he needed a trip to the vet "we couldn't refuse" if ya' know what I mean. Two hours and one hundred twenty dollars later, Beau was as good as new. It's nice to see him drool again. Just about the time life returned to almost-normal, there was another incident with the little snarling, yiping, chewing bundle of joy. As he was jumping at Angus during a walk, Bill corrected him with the leash and the little buggar fell back, dislocating his hip. We called the vet again--we have the number on speed dial, by the way--and took him back in to see his new best friends at the vet's office. After an hour-and-a-half wait in the examining room, Beau limped back to the car, almost as good as new. We also moved a little faster having lightened our wallets by another one hundred sixteen dollars and fifty eight cents. It's nice to see him harrass the dogs again. Dooley is doing better about correcting Beau for his obnoxious behavior, but Beau still hasn't learned that trying to take Dooley's dinner out of his bowl is the equivalent of a death wish. Don't go by Dooley when he's eating--any Grandma will tell you that! But the little pup thinks he's invincible. The upshot is that Beau is on pain meds for his dislocated hip, so he's real sleepy and a most pleasant puppy to have around these days. (We're in the process of trying to get a black market life-time supply of his pain meds.)
Both boys are doing well. We got E moved into his locker at junior high. It only took him a few tries to work his combination lock, and all of his classes are pretty close together, so there's not much chance of him getting lost as he moves from one class to the next. Well, then again, this is E that we're talking about, so there is still some (likely) chance that he'll get lost. Hopefully, he won't get stuffed into a locker or given a swirly during the first week of school. He's still loving Cross Country and had a practice meet today which went well. Andrew is dreading, dreading, dreading the beginning of school, but since he gets to start the year in a brand new building, I'm hoping that he's distracted enough by all the new stuff that he forgets he's learning. Both boys start classes a week from this coming Monday, but unfortunately, I start work this Monday. It's going to be tricky getting the boys taken care of while they're home and both Bill and I are at work. Mom and Dad A are pitching in, and I think we have the rest of the time pretty well covered. If not, we'll just lock both the boys in the dogs' cages with a bowl of kibble and hope for the best. Hey, it works for the dogs. . .
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The drywaller came on Tuesday and, along with some help from one of his friends, had the whole room drywalled and taped in about three hours. It's amazing how fast the work can go when you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, they decided to come on the hottest day of the year. (The room is not air conditioned yet.) The drywaller will come back tomorrow to continue working on the walls, so we're hoping to paint this weekend or early next week.